Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hidden Song - Available 2012

Trudy shivered, clutching a thin blanket tight around her shoulders..."How much longer do I have to wait?"
Pregnant and scared, she's stuck in the waiting room of an abortion clinic. This, she believes, is her only choice!
But what if there's another way?
Can God really bring hope from any circumstance? Even an unplanned pregnancy? What will happen when Trudy's Christian friends and family finally learn the truth?  And then of course there's Randy. He drove her to the clinic.
While facing those she loves with the truth, she discovers her parents went through a time, of making some painful choices of their own, Trudy being one of them.
A Hidden Song, the first in "The Sister Blue Thread Series," is about reminding us to look to Him, in those times when we can barely see through the darkness.
Numbers 15:38 - 39