Monday, August 23, 2021

And there He IS...

I sat down with every intention to do my morning reading. I had my coffee, my notebook, my blanket, and…my phone.

I picked up my phone for a brief text which ended up being another text, and another text…

A few times my emails got a look through. I didn’t open my devotional emails. The titles were glanced at for a few seconds and then back to perusing through other things on my phone.

Videos of my cat’s were sent to my husband. Morning gifs were sent and oh, another picture and video of my cat’s.

My Bible got pulled over closer to me. Then another glance at my devotional’s. Oh, this one looks simple it is about the writer’s job. Okay

And there He was.

Every word in that devotional spoke to the place in my heart that I really didn’t want to deal with at the moment. It was easier to play around until I felt I could get up and get busy with my day. It was as though, I was the writer of that devotional, not someone else, who I had never met before.

He was waiting.

He was right there.

He let me know too.

The verse, Genesis 16:13 (NIV)

“She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her. ‘You are the God who sees me,’ for she said, ‘I have now seen the One who sees me.”

Many, many, many years ago Hagar was in a scary, lonely place in the wilderness. A single mom, no income, abused, used, put aside, her feelings didn’t matter to those around her, and she had an unsure future.

God met Hagaar there. He saw her. AND she KNEW that HE could see her. And she left from that place in the wilderness.

That is what God did today for me. He literally dumped right in my lap a comforting direction and let me know He sees.

He sees me.

He doesn’t just see me standing, sitting, laying, crying, and laughing. All those things that a person sees on the outside.

No…God sees my pain that is in my heart, He sees the joy inside of me, He knows before I do what I think about something, He knows my anxious thoughts, He knows my careless whispers and shouts, He knows every single thing about my past, and He knows my future. Psalm 139.

He sees me right here – right now and He not only sees, but He knows.

Are you scared? Are you lonely? Are you grieving? Are you angry? Are you frustrated, trapped, or need direction? Are you happy, excited, and hopeful?


Even though things are crazy in Haiti, India, and Afghanistan He still SEES you, my friend. He SEES us standing here needing Him.

Even as reports of Covid, masks, cancer, and death are everywhere you read and look, He SEES you, my friend. He SEES us needing HIM.

Are you waiting for the call? Are you standing beside the grave? Are you sick in the bed? Are you broken hearted?

Does tomorrow look dark?


Let’s start right there.

That no matter what is going on GOD SEES each of us exactly where we are at this moment and the moment, He gives us after that.

Thank you, LORD, that YOU SEE each of us. Right here. Right now.

May we move from this moment into the next knowing His eyes are upon us and He knows.